Joël and I wish to make the Arctic/North section one of the most dynamic at the conference and include issues of sovereignty for Arctic peoples and nations; education in the Arctic including University of the Arctic; governance including the Arctic Council; the role of Permanent Participants on the Arctic Council; Canada's role in the Arctic Council; defense and security; the A5-A8 debate and its significance for Canada; Canada's relations with Nordic states and Russia; Arctic domestic and foreign policies; and other emerging issues and developments. All proposals should have a distinctive Canadian focus, but we also encourage submissions that consider Canada in a comparative context.
Please follow the instructions for submissions below.
Thank you, Merci, Nakurmiik! -- we hope you will consider submitting and joining our goal to being the Arctic to Ottawa in 2011. - Nadine and Joël
SUBMITTING - Individuals wishing to submit a proposal must ensure that they are a standing member of ACSUS. Individuals interested in submitting should be directed to the following page which includes the call form papers, publicity brochure, and instructions on how to submit a proposal:
ABOUT ACSUS - The Association for Canadian Studies in the United States (ACSUS) is a multi-disciplinary membership based organization committed to raising awareness and understanding of Canada and the bilateral relationship. ACSUS supports research and academic activity through its publications, conferences, and grant programs; promotes the academy through active advocacy and outreach; and positions the community by profiling the scope and diversity of research undertaken by the ACSUS membership in the humanities and social sciences.
Nadine Fabbi, Associate Director
Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies
University of Washington, Seattle
Call for Submissions: 2011 ACSUS Biennial Conference
Wed, Dec 15, 2010
On behalf of Joël Plouffe, Université du Québec à Montréal, and
the Association for Canadian Studies in the U.S. (ACSUS), I would like
to invite you to submit a paper proposal for the Arctic/North section
for the 2011 Biennial Conference for ACSUS to be held in Ottawa 16-20
November 2011.