Thematic Network on Arctic Extractive Industries

Stammler - Children from camp 2 playing on a pasture close to an oil rig on the Toravei deposit Nenets AO Barents Region Russia


The Arctic continues to be a global hotspot not only of the changing climate on the planet, but also of the extractive industries, as a lot of the fossile fuel and mineral resources are in the polar regions. The links between the circumpolar North and the rest of our planet will further increase as well as the public impact of industrial development, not least on companies as well as states' reputations and most significantly on the populations which live in the Arctic. It is known that economic activity and business development play a crucial role in ensuring welfare and employment in the North. Petroleum and other extractive industries can contribute to increasing capital, and employment opportunities in the Arctic; however, successful establishment of these industries requires further focus on the social, cultural, environmental and economic impacts from the local to the global level, and building competence and skill-sets needed for all actors involved: the industry, the authorities, and local people who deal with both impacts and benefit of Arctic extractive industries. Over the past several years, the need has become apparent to create a systematic means for generating new research (both theoretical and practical) in the field of Arctic Extractive Industries.

This Thematic Network unites a number of interested scholars working towards minimising detrimental impacts and enhancing opportunities of industrial development for local people in the Arctic. We approach this overall goal from angles as different as human security studies, indigenous territoriality, reindeer herding, analysis of environmental and social risks, studies of benefit sharing and other angles.


Since 2018 we have more focused on research in this thematic network, particularly in two research projects. If you have questions concerning any of this, please write the PI's.


Other Information

More information and past activities can be found here.

Video interview: Florian Stammler, Lead of the UArctic Thematic Network on Arctic Extractive Industries