Umeå University

Umeå Arts Campus. In the foreground the sculpture Skin 4 by Mehmet Ali Uysal, in the back Bildmuseet and Umeå School of Architecture  PHOTO: Johan Gunseus

Umeå University, founded in 1965, is one of Sweden's largest universities with over 37,000 students and 4,700 employees. Today, we have a strong international and multicultural presence with students, teachers, and researchers from all over the world. We offer around 2,000 courses and 150 study programmes, among them over 40 Master’s programmes in English.

Umeå University offers a diversity of education and world-leading research in several scientific fields. In Umeå, the ground-breaking discovery of the gene scissors CRISPR-Cas9 was made, which has been awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Our cohesive campus environment enables a dynamic and open culture with a strong sense of community.

To further strengthen our competitiveness in the north we have established an Arctic Research Centre (Arcum) that strives to be the connectivity hub for arctic transdisciplinary research and education activities across Umeå University. The research centre organise a network of 300 associated researchers and graduate students with an arctic focus. The Arctic Centre facilitates transdisciplinary responses to present and future demands of research-based knowledge for sustainable development in the Arctic. We also have a Centre for Sami Research, a multi-disciplinary unit focusing on the only indigenous people of Sweden.

Umeå University is renowned for its comprehensive educational approach and creative learning environments as well as the very much popular Buddy Programme for international students.

Student Exchange Fact Sheet

Facts and figures

Year Established 1965
Total Number of Staff 4700
Number of Academic Staff 2300
Number of Students 37900
Focus Areas

Global health

Architecture and design

Northern studies

Life sciences

Environmental and resource economics


Sustainable energy

Latest programs

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Latest courses

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