Arctic Research Consortium of the United States

Day break in Utquiavik, Alaska  PHOTO: Diane Hirshberg
ARCUS: Connecting Arctic Research Across Boundaries

The Arctic Research Consortium of the United States (ARCUS) has been connecting Arctic research since 1988. Because of its regional nature, Arctic research often cuts across multiple disciplines, organizations, nations, and populations. ARCUS provides intangible infrastructure to support the formation and enhancement of connections across these boundaries, working toward a more holistic understanding of the Arctic. Supported by government agencies, foundations, and others who share a desire to advance Arctic knowledge, ARCUS maintains a portfolio of programs to communicate, educate, coordinate, and collaborate to advance Arctic understanding.

ARCUS members advance understanding of the Arctic through science, technology, Indigenous knowledge, and education. Members promote the application of this knowledge to Arctic and global challenges, and address questions that require the collaborative skills and resources of scientists, engineers, educators, Indigenous knowledge holders, and others. ARCUS works closely with other organizations with Arctic interests, such as the U.S. Arctic Research Commission (USARC), the Polar Research Board (PRB), the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC), the University of the Arctic, the Arctic Institute of North America (AINA), the European Polar Board, the Arctic Council and its scientific working groups, the Association for Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS), and Polar Educators International (PEI).

ARCUS is a U.S. 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation that serves the Arctic research community. Membership is open to academic, research, government, Indigenous, and corporate organizations, as well as individuals who want to advance Arctic research. Representatives of member organizations constitute the Council of ARCUS and elect the Board of Directors. Members receive preferential opportunities to lead, support, and participate in ARCUS activities.

Facts and figures

Year Established 1988
Total Number of Staff 15
Focus Areas

Connecting Arctic research across boundaries of discipline, organization, sector, geography, and national boundaries

Supporting communication, coordination, and collaboration to advance Arctic research and knowledge

Supporting engagement of Arctic research and researchers with Indigenous communities and other stakeholders