Governance Bodies


UArctic's Board is our highest governing body and has general responsibility for UArctic’s strategic development and setting main priorities, including finances and staffing. The Board is made up of elected individuals all of whom serve in their personal capacities on behalf of UArctic. A student representative is also included as a member of the Board. Board Chair, members and student representatives are elected by the Assembly.

Frederik Paulsen (Chair)
Magnús Tumi Gudmundsson (Vice-Chair)
Anne Husebekk (Vice-Chair)
Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn (Member)
Robert Sauvé (Member)
Pat K. Pitney (Member)
Johanna Ikäheimo (Member)
Tore Furevik (Member)
Lesley Brown (Member)
Jouko Niinimäki (Member)
Aaja Chemnitz (Member)
Barbara Will (Member)
Viljo Vuorimäki (Student Representative)
Linda Lyberth Kristiansen (Student Representative)
Outi Snellman (Secretary)

Frederik Paulsen (Chair)
Lars Kullerud (Member)
Magnús Tumi Gudmundsson (Member)
Pat K. Pitney (Member)
Anne Husebekk (Member)
Outi Snellman (Secretary)

Anne Husebekk (Chair)
Magnús Tumi Gudmundsson (Member)
Jouko Niinimäki (Member)
Aaja Chemnitz (Member)
Morgan Dulian (Secretary)



Each member of UArctic is represented in the Assembly, which oversees our program development and the direction of the organization. The Assembly also acts as a forum of consultation, networking and cooperation between all members. To address the Assembly's general responsibilities, Committees are maintained. Assembly member representatives and committee members meet annually. Assembly Officers and all Committee members are elected by the Assembly.