Thematic Network on Arctic WASH

Pond Inlet.JPG  PHOTO: Lisbeth Truelstrup Hansen
Thematic Network on Arctic WASH

Global climate change, population growth, urbanization and economic development in sectors such as tourism, resource extraction, and transportation create new challenges in relation to waste and wastewater handling, pollution and human health. The Arctic WASH Thematic Network deals with documentation of issues and development of solutions concerning the technical challenges related to WAter, Sewer and Health (WASH) in remote Arctic communities.


The Thematic Networks is hosted by the Arctic DTU and its focus is to document issues and solve technical challenges related to water supply and wastewater in remote Arctic communities.


The Arctic WASH will exchange knowledge in the Circumpolar North, facilitate dissemination of current knowledge, develop courses for students and practitioners, and implement research projects on related matters.

  • Continuous updating and upgrading of Arctic WASH Online Course
  • Apply for funding for research projects involving partners from the network
  • Apply for funding to facilitate exchange of researchers, teachers and students between the participating universities
  • Write a common scientific review on the water and sanitation situation in the Circumpolar North
  • Participate in the updating of the Cold Regions Utilities Monograph

Other Information

More information and past activities can be found here.

Also find links to Pernille's and Aaron's institutional websites.

Video interview: Aaron Dotson, Vice-Lead of the UArctic Thematic Network on Arctic WASH