The Arctic Yearbook is an international and peer-reviewed volume which focuses on issues of regional governance, circumpolar relations, geopolitics and security, all broadly defined including global aspects. The Arctic Yearbook is an initiative of the Northern Research Forum (NRF) and University of the Arctic's joint Thematic Network on Geopolitics and Security.

This year's theme is "The Arctic Council: 20 Years of Regional Cooperation and Policy-Shaping". This theme is meant to evaluate the structure, impact and influence of the Arctic Council, within the context of the circumpolar region as well as a model of international organization. Many facets of the Arctic Council remain underexplored and scholars are invited to propose pieces that provide critical analysis and expand our knowledge and understanding of the organization and its role.

Topics may include, but are not limited to: analysis of the form and function of the Arctic Council, including the Ottawa Declaration in retrospect; a history of the Arctic Council including the Arctic Environmental Protection Strategy (AEPS) and different proposed models in retrospect; assessment and evaluation of the progress and impact of Arctic Council deliverables and agreements; the Senior Arctic Officials, Permanent Secretariat, Task Forces, Working Groups, Permanent Participants, Observers, chairmanships and/or funding structure; the role of non-Arctic Observer states and NGOs in relation to Permanent Participants and/or Working Groups; funding mechanisms and capacity-building efforts for the Permanent Participants; the Arctic Council's interaction with other international bodies and the international system (e.g. IMO, IHO, WMO, UN etc.); media perceptions/representations of the Arctic Council; the role and impact of the six Working Groups, either in combination or separately; the role and function of ancillary organizations such as the Arctic Economic Council and/or the Arctic Coast Guard Forum; the role (or lack of) of sub-national organizations in the Arctic Council; theoretical perspectives on the Arctic Council within an international relations context; the role and limitations of the Arctic Council in regional policy-shaping/policy-making; and future directions of the Arctic Council.

Other topics of contemporary significance to regional development, northern peoples, circumpolar relations, Arctic geopolitics and security will also be welcome.

Abstracts should be 250-400 words and include author name(s), institutional affiliation and article title, to be submitted to The deadline for abstracts is March 1, 2016. Notice of acceptance will be provided on March 15, 2016. Articles must be submitted by June 15, 2016. Publication will occur in Fall 2016.

Editors also welcome proposals for commentaries (1-3 page opinion pieces) and briefing notes (4-7 page analyses) from experts and policymakers on current issues and events.