Buryat State University will host the Contemporary Problems of the Ethnoecology and Traditional Nature Management conference in Ulan-Ude, Russia, on December 6 and 7 2007.
A one-year research position in law related to the effects of climate variability and change on the development of land use rights in the context of customary and sidae rights is available.
The Geological Society of Norway (NGF), in cooperation with the European Association of Goescientists and Engineers (EAGE) will organise the Arctic Conference Days in Tromsø, Norway, from September 3 to 7, 2007.
The total number UArctic Thematic Networks currently operating rose to 11, when Thematic Networks on Northern Governance, Indigenous Arts and Crafts, and Arctic Learning Environment were endorsed at the 10th meeting of the Council of UArctic in Arkhangelsk June 4-8.
The Council of the University of the Arctic (UArctic) expressed its strong support to the development of the graduate area during its 10th meeting hosted by Arkhangelsk State Technical University, Northern State Medical University and Pomor State University in Arkhangelsk, Russia, from June 4 to 8.
The University of Tromsø, Norway, will be hosting the international conference "Arctic Discourses", on 21-23 February 2008. The conference will concentrate Arctic Discourses after Romanticism and up to present day, using approaches to such discourses developed within literary studies.
One of the cornerstones of the International Polar Year (IPY) 2007-2009 is training the next generation of polar scientists, much like the International Geophysical Year (IGY) 1957-1958 served as the starting point for many of today's prominent scientists. "The New Generation Polar Research (NGPR) Symposium" is an NSF-funded...